Master of Arts (MA) in Interface Cultures at The University for Art and Industrial Design (Kunstuniversität), Linz, Austria
Master of Arts (MA, pre-Bologna) in Video at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Ljubljana
Socrates/Erasmus exchange programme at the National College of Art and Design, Dublin, Ireland
Bachelor of Arts (BA, pre-Bologna) in Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts and design, Ljubljana
Živela umetnost! residency produced ans organised by Umetnost za vse! association, Slovenj Gradec
Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art, Pristine, Kosovo
ISCP (International Studio & Curatorial Program), New York, USA
PS37 Award - Gallery Simulaker, Novo mesto
Best Animation Short Film' award 19' Nahia film fest, Internationa Short Film Festival About Sex, Gender, Diversity and Eroticism, Granada, Spain
’Audience Choice Award’, Tabor Film Festival 17 - International Short Film Festival, Desinić, Croatia
Best Animation' award, Malmö International LGBTQ+ Short Film Festival, Malmö, Sweden
’Audience Choice Award’, Leeds Queer Film Festivalu, Leeds, United Kingdom
International Video Art Festival Videoholica Special Selection, Varna, Bulgaria
Finalist for Henkel award Slovenia
Finalist for Vordemberge-Gildewart Foundation Award, Ljubljana
Selection in video competition So Fresh for young talents from Italy, Austria, Slovenia and Croatia, Monfalcone, Italy
Winner of OHO award, Ljubljana
Finalist of Essl award, Ljubljana
Selection of video in the category of 1 minute video at the international festiva Electric rats dream video dreams, Celje
Selection of short videos -5 minutes of gallery P74, Ljubljana
Selection for group exhibition Premiere 17, Center for Contemporary Arts Celje
Special approbation for painting on exhibition Window to the world, Gorizia - Italy
Work Grant of the Ministry of Culture, Republic of Slovenia
Scholarship from Slovene Ministry of Culture for MA study abroad
Scholarship from Slovene Ministry of Culture for MA study
National Zois scholarship for talented students
Exhibition and performative event in Slovene BREZODRA. Delo v nastajanju. Utopični počitek / Work in progress. A utopian leisure", authors: Vesna Bukovec, Tia Čiček, Ana Čigon; Gallery GT 22, Maribor
Work in Progress. Reflections on Communities Beyond Capitalism, authors of the exhibition: Vesna Bukovec, Tia Čiček, Ana Čigon, Andrea Knezović; Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana
"Phony Towns IV: City Response", Gallery Simulaker, Novo mesto
Open studio: "City of Stories", V Glavnem, Novo mesto
"Phony Towns III ", Video, texts, song adaptation, youth choir and photos, galerija Likovni salon, Celje
"Phony Towns II ", video, texts and photos, galerija KiBela, Maribor
Performance "Cheers to Women! A Performative Appetizer to Video Art", Gallery Alkatraz (Festival City of Women), Ljubljana
Video installation "Phony Towns", Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana
Performance "Dr. Ljuba Prenner, Citizen of Honor" and public discusion "About Ljuba" with Brigita Rajšter, Karla Zajc Berzelak, moderator: Polona Poberžnik, Slovenj Gradec, production & organisation: Umetnost za vse! association, in collaboration with Čajnica Peč, Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti (Art Gallery Slovenj Gradec), Slovenj Gradec
Screening of "Remembering the Others" and public discussion entitled "How Much Past do we Need for the Future" (with Nejra Nuna Čengić and Nihad Kreševljaković, organised by Forum ZFD), 22nd MESS Memory Module festival, Kino Meeting Point, Sarajevo, BiH
TV screening of documentray film Flow (coauthors Ida Hiršenfelder and Saša Spačal), Slovene national TV - RTV SLO 1
Premiere screening of documentary film "Flow" (coauthors Ida Hiršenfelder and Saša Spačal) and public discussion at International Festival of Contemporary Art City of Women, Mali oder, Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana
"Feminist WikiMarathon 2016" (with Ana Grobler and Danaja Grešak) at International Festival of Contemporary Art City of Women, ŠKUC gallery, Ljublljana
Film screening of "Remembering the Others" and "Heroinat", KC Tobačna 001, Ljubljana
Performans and exhibition "Ana at the Station", in context of World Day for Audiovisual Heritage and No Nails, No Pedestals project, Project Room SCCA, Ljubljana
"Video Evening #21 with Ana Čigon", Screening and artist talk, Photon Galllery, Ljubljana
For the sake of 8th of March'', videos, grafitti and photos, Culture House Pivka (curated by: Mojca Grmek), Pivka
"Recording", video and drawings, gallery Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art, Pristina, Kosovo
"Museum girlfriend" First internet exhibition at spol.si portal (curated by: Ana Grobler), Slovenija
Event/ project presentation for video series entitled "Odkritje mačke v žaklju", Alkatraz gallery, Ljubljana
Event "Branje del: Drage dame, hvala", MSUM, Ljubljana
Project/ event "Feminist WikiMarathon", International Feminist and Queer festival Red Dawns in collaboration with Multimedia center (Rampa), Ljubljana
Event "Video Remakes", A+A Centro Espositivo Sloveno - A plus A, Venice, Italy
Project/ event "Feminist WikiMarathon", Multimedia center (Rampa), Ljubljana
Performance "Dear Ladies, Thank You", Red Dawns festival and Red Dawn above City of Women project, Trg brez zgodovinskega spomina (in front of Menza pri Koritu - AKC Metelkova mesto), Ljubljana
Solo exhibition "Short Videos About Small Resistence" (cureted by: Mojca Grmek), Črni kot gallery, Sežana
Outdoor performans "Dear Ladies, Thank You" in context of Bring In Take Out - Living Archive (project by RED MIN(E)D collective) during REDacting conference - TransYugoslav Feminisms: Women’s Heritage Revisited, Prolaz sestra Baković, Zagreb, Croatia
Performance "Dear Ladies, Thank You" in Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana
Video instalation "Perspective", Alkatraz gallery, Ljubljana
"Translations 1", prints and two issues of magazines gallery P74, Ljubljana
Painting exhibition "Let Me Fly" in Insula gallery, Izola
"Let Me Fly", paintings, drawings, object and video, Račka gallery, Celje
Painting exhibition "Body on Throne" in Hest 35 gallery, Ljubljana
Painting exhibition “All My Tricks and Truths” in Pretorska Palace, Koper
Painting and video exhibition “All of My Stories” in gallery Pop Planet, Ljubljana
Solo exhibition of paintings at Duka gallery, Piran
The Art is Ours (curated by Gani Llalloshi), Ptuj City Gallery, Ptuj
Project / event "Feminist WikiMaraton 2024" (assistants: Ana Čigon & Ida Hiršenfelder), writing articles in Wikipedia of the exhibiting artists of the exhibitionFor Your Pleasure. Feminist Positions in Visual Art in and from Slovenia, Museum of Modern Art, MG+, Ljubljana
For Your Pleasure. Feminist Positions in Visual Art in and from Slovenia (Curated by Martina Vovk), Museum of Modern Art, MG+, Ljubljana
Kindly Not Invited (curated by Varja Močnik), organised by SCCA-Ljubljana, CUK Kino Šiška, Kamera Gallery, Ljubljana
Safe Mode: Amplified Realities (curated byFoteini Vergidou in collaboration with TILT Platform (Makis Faros, Zoi Pirini, Apostolos Zerdevas, Takis Zerdevas) and Video Art Miden), The Project Gallery, MISC Athens, BHD Hub, Athens, Greece
Video Art Projects, Municipal Art Gallery of Thessaloniki "Casa Bianca", Thessaloniki, Greece
Based on True Stories. Račka Festival 2022: Spaces and Articulations of Sexuality. Over Overview exhibition and Series of Performances, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Celje
Happy and merry … (curated by: Lara Plavčak, Vesna Bukovec, Peter Cerovšek), Gallery Simulaker, from the DIVA Station archive, Novo mesto
IC 2.3, Gallery K18, Maribor
Performance of the collective FEM TV at the Bodeča neža Award Ceremony (for most sexist quote of 2020), web edition of the event, organised by Red Dawns festival and Spol.si
Rebellious Essence, Pantalla Rota / Broken Screen exhibitions: "This don't match the curtains", Casa Belgrado, Buenos Aires city, Argentina
Rebellious Essence, Pantalla Rota / Broken Screen exhibitions: " The Treachery of Images", El Patio de las Artes IOPPS, San Juan; "Technocratic Apocalypse" (Ecological Transition and Conviviality), EL BLANCO Centro de Experimentaciones Artísticas, Buenos Aires city, Argentina
IC 2.2 exhibition based on the writer Ivan Cankar (production Stripburger/Forum Ljubljana), Gorenjski muzej, Kranj
Performance in Image Snatchers present: The lives and deaths of HPD by author: Loup Abramovici, Festival mladih kultur Kunigunda, Velenje and Club Gromka, ACC Metelkova mesto
Exhibition Transgression?, Kino Šiška, Trg prekomorskih brigad 3, Ljubljana
Exhibition of the nominies for PS37 Award - Poziv Simulaker, Simulaker Gallery, Novo mesto
Performance in Image Snatchers present: The lives and deaths of HPD by author: Loup Abramovici, Klub Gromka, Ljubljana and Nagib, Moment in Vilinsko mesto, Maribor
Exhibition Politics of Resistance – The Duckling Festival 2019, Račka Gallery, Celje
Performance in feminist burlesque-cabaret FEM TV 4.2, Dobimo se pred škucem, Gallery ŠKUC, Ljubljana
Rebellious Essence presented in Pride screening at Museum of History & Industry, Seattle, WA, USA
Performance in feminist burlesque-cabaret FEM TV 4.0+ (kolektiv Fem TV), Festival Deuje babe, bar Gabrijel, Cerkno
Francka animation in group exhibition IC 2.1 (Strip Core production), Simulaker Gallery, Novo mesto
Performance in feminist burlesque-cabaret FEM TV 4.0+ (Fem TV Collective), Festival Red Dawns, Socialnem centru Rog, AC Rog, Ljubljana
Rebellious Essence at group exhibition SPECTRUM: Exploring Gender Identification, MCLA Gallery 51, North Adams, MA, USA
Performance in feminist burlesque-cabaret FEM TV 4.0 (as member of Fem TV Collective) as part of Syndicate of Outlandish Entities (produced by Emanat)event, Club Gromka, AKC Metelkova mesto, Ljubljana
Performance in feminist burlesque-cabaret FEM TV 4.0 (Fem TV Collective) at the Dobimo se pred Škucem (Let's meet in ŠKUC) event, ŠKUC Gallery, Ljubljana
One More Kick presented in context of the project Video Europe for all (curated by: Iara Boubnova and Kalin Serapionov), public space screenings organised by The Institute of Contemporary Art - Sofia, Underpass Eagle’s Bridge, Borisova Gradina, Sofia, Bulgaria
Film Flow at group exhibition 'Let’s Roll Our Sleeves Up', Likovni salon Gallery, Celje
Rebellious Essence and Francka at The 2nd Screening of Slovene animation films, selection period 2006-2017, City cinema Metropol, Celje
Performance for feminist burlesque- cabaret FEM TV 4.0 and the 2018 Bodeča neža Award Ceremony (Fem TV Collective), Klub Gromka, AKC Metelkova, Ljubljana
Macho and Ljubljana City of Women at group exhibition 'e.city-Ljubljana / Projected Visions. From art in the urban context to fiction and dystopia' (Curated by: Barbara Borčić), Apollonia, échanges artistiques européens, Strasbourg, France
Performance in "UPORne pesmi/ Rebellious songs (Benefit for Rog)" two short burlesque-cabaret performances entitled FemTV 4.0 (Fem TV performers collective), Rog Factory, Ljubljana
Exhibition Živela umetnost!, final presentation of artworks from the resicency program Živela umetnost! organised by Umetnost za vse! association, Čajnica Peč and KGLU - Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti (Art Gallery Slovenj Gradec), Slovenj Gradec
Video One More Kick and discussion in DIVA Station video archive on tour: Vienna (currator: Barbara Borčić), Blickle Kino, Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Vienna, Austria
New early version of the animation Rebellious Essence and artistic talk at group exhibition Corporeality / Telesnost (Curated by dr. Sarival Sosič), City Gallery Ljubljana
Loop screening of short documentary Heroinat/Heroines in group exhibition A Man at the Border, Gallery Alkatraz, Ljubljana
Gallery screening of video Za luno / Ask for the Moon in DIVA station selection of a series of videos entitled Fresh perspective (curator: Vesna Bukovec), Encounters With Contemporary Visual Art, Mala dvorana, Kulturni dom, Nova Gorica
Screening of short videos One More Kick and Finger in U.S., DIVA Station on Tour, DIVA Station Presents No. III (curated by Barbara Borčić), UnionDocs Center for Documentary Art, New York, USA
Screening of short videos One More Kick and Finger in U.S., DIVA Station on Tour, DIVA Station Presents No. III (curated by Barbara Borčić), LACE (Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions), Los Angeles, USA
Screening of the documentary film Remembering the Others (organisation by Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art Pristine), gallery Boxing Club, Pristine - Kosovo
Exhibition in Kubatur Des Kabinetts - der kunstsalon im Fluc zeigt, Gallery FLUC, Vienna, Austria
Loop screening of short documentary Heroinat/Heroines, group exhibition A Man at the Border, gallery Flat1, Vienna, Austria
Videos Discovery Beyond the Transparency and Unbreakable, Crises and New Beginnings: Art in Slovenia 2005–2015, Museum of Contemporary Art, Ljubljana
Performance in Sinja Ožbolt's dance-theatre performance Welfare To The Nation, Dance Theatre Ljubljana (performances were also held in 2016 and 2017)
Small conceptual work Upor/ Resistor, 16th International Media Art Festival Pixxelpoint, Nova Gorica
ČIPkarnica, ZIG ZAG, ŠKUC Gallery, Ljubljana
Don’t eat the yellow snow! – The 10th Annual OHO Group Award, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana
Race with Time. Performance in a Rear-view Mirror,gray) (area, space for contemporary and media art, Korčula, Croatia
Performance in a series of burlesque-cabaret performances entitled Fem TV 3.0 (Fem TV performaers collective), International Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns, Menza pri koritu, Ljubljana
Race with Time. Performance in a Rear-view Mirror, Slovenski gledališki inštitut (National Theatre Museum/Institute), Ljubljana
Presentation of a video in progress "Odkritje mačke v žaklju" (event coorganised with Tea Hvala), Festival Cmakanje, Cerkno
Schriftlich / in writing exhibition, Zollamt, Bad Radkersburg - Austria
Exhibition Neighbours – Contemporary Narratives from Turkey and Beyond, Istanbul Modern, Istanbul, Turkey
Video Ljubljana City of Women, co-authors: Teja Reba, Leja Jurišić and Barbara Kapelj Osredkarfor City of Women festival, Stari trg, Ljubljana
Equals, Exploring feminism through art & conversation (curated by Anne Louise Kershaw), BLANKSPACE & locations around Manchester - UK
U3, 7th Triennial of Contemporary Art (curated by: Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez), Museum of Contemporary Art, Ljubljana
Video installation in group exhibition Corpo circuito, Vicenza, Italy
Exhibition Drawing, 25 years of Gallery Insula, Izola
Video screening of performance in context of Screen Strike - Gender, Media, Criticism conference, Brut Karlsplatz, Vienna, Austria
Video presentation in context of Living Archive during International Festival Rdeče Zore, gallery Alkatraz, Ljubljana
Video in selection of KOLEKTIVA group presented in "Pain with the Thousand teeth" - Video Works of Young Slovenian Artists in festival Video in Progress 4, galerija Vžigalica Ljubljana
Traveling group exhibition POGLED 6 "Jaz, tukaj, zdaj" gallery Božidar Jakac, Kostanjevica na Krki; Art Gallery Maribor; Gallery Murska Sobota; Gallery Slovenj Gradec; Velenje Gallery, Gallery of Contemporary Arts Celje; City Gallery Nova Gorica and Gallery Loža, Koper.
Video at DA FEST, International Digital Art Festival, National Academy of Art, Sofia, Bulgaria
Video at Videoholica, intrnational video art festival, Varna Puppet Theatre, Varna, Bulgaria
Online Exhibition: "Desired Restraints" (curator: Ida Hiršenfelder), Artycok.tv
Video presented in section of Slovenia "Pain with the Thousand Teeth" (curator: KOLEKTIVA) in CologneOFF 2011: Arad Art Musem, Arad - Romania; NCCA, Tampere, Finland
Napolidanza, International festival of video dance, PAN, Napoli, Italy
Presentation of collaborative project Artificial stupidity at Amber Festival, Istanbul, Turkey
Group exhibition Multimeridijan '10 / "Signs of Futility" at MMC Luka gallery, Pula, Croatia
Presentation of collaborative project Artificial stupidity at Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, Austria
Group exhibition SUMMITS (Contemporary art between earth and sky) Palazzo Frisacco, Tolmezzo, Italy
Open studios and Video screening at ISCP (International Studio & Curatorial Program), Brooklyn New York, USA
Group exhibition of selected artists for Vordemberge-Gildewart Foundation Award 2010, City Gallery, Ljubljana
Group exhibition Imagine (curators: Polona Lovšin & Božo Zrinski), gallery Škuc, Ljubljana
Selection and exhibition of video work for the competition So Fresh, Galleria Comunale d'Arte Contemporanea, Monfalcone - Italy. Exhibition also traveling to: Stazione Rogers, Trieste -Italy, City Gallery, Nova Gorica and Medusa gallery,Koper - Slovenia, Art-Kino, Rijeka - Croatia
Group exhibition Lets print in Miklova House, Ribnica
Group exhibition of nominees for OHO Award in gallery P74, Ljubljana
Group exhibition of nominees for Essl Award in Hribarjeva Hall at Ljubljana Castle, Ljubljana
Instalation for a one day multimedia event CW author of project: Adam Ramejkis, other participants: writer Metka Zorec, photographer Anita Strasse, musician Gal Gjurin and video artists »Salenina«, International Center of Graphic Arts (MGLC)., Ljubljana
ArtNetLab video selection at GAD gallery, Berlin - Germany
Group exhibition Premiere 17, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Center for Contemporary Arts, Celje
International festival of video and dance Danca em foço (Coreo-Ediçöes internacional 1), in Sao Paulu (SESC Pinheiros), Rio de Janeiro (Oi Futuro) and Salvador (FUNCEB - Fundação Cultural do Estado da Bahia) - Brasil
Group exhibition of video selection -5 minutes in gallery Kapsula, Ljubljana
Video festival Electrict rats dream video dreams selection for the category 1 minute, Celje
1.3 Festival of Video and New Media Art, VideoMatch07, City Art Museum, Ljubljana
Autoportrait today, exhibition of selected participants at the competition of Art gallery Maribor
Group exhibition of the international competition Window to the world (special approbation), Cultural House Gorica, Italy
Exhibition with Brina Torkar in City House (Museums of Gorenjska), Kranj
Group exhibition Ex-tempore in City Gallery, Piran
Rebellious Essence, goEast, 24th Festival of Central and Eastern European Film, Symposium Precarious Joy, Murnau Filmtheater, Wiesbaden, Germany
Phoney Sights, 5th Balkan Can Kino Film Symposium, Zoetrop, Athens, Greece
Phoney Sights, XVIII Festival Transterritorial de Cine Underground, Fundación Comunidad Contemporánea, Buernos Aires, Argentina
Rebellious Essence, Autumn Film School and International festival of contemporary arts — City of Women: Oppositional (In)sights: Slovenian Short Film Programme, Slovenian Cinematheque, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Rebellious Essence, Mavrični junij v Mariboru 2022. LGBTQIA+ filmski večerIntimate Cinema, GT22, Maribor, Slovenia
Rebellious Essence, 34 Filmfest Dresden - International Short Film Festival, Thalia Cinema, Dresden-Neustadt, Germany
Rebellious Essence, XPOSED: Eastern European & Russian Queer Cinema, Kino Krokodil, Greifenhagener Str. 32 – 10437, Berlin, Germany
Flow, TV screening on RTV SLO 2
Phoney Sights, Los Angeles Filmforum, Picture More: Interventions into Filmic Space, online event, USA
Phoney Sights, Video on the Beach, Isola Cinema Festival, Park Svetilnik, Izola
Phoney Sights, 16.1 Experiments in Cineman International Film Festival (noncompetitive festival), Experiments 14 programme, oline festival, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Phoney Sights, Innovations competition, Filmfest Bremen, Green Outlook programme, online edition, Germany
Phoney Sights, BEAST International Film Festival, programme ExperimentalEAST, online edition, Porto, Portugal
Rebellious Essence available on VOD platform Purplay, on the teritory of Republic of Korea
Rebellious Essence available on VOD platform Cinesquare, on the teritories of 13 countries from South East Europe Region (Ex-Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Turkey, Romania)
Phoney Sights, 21st cellu l’art Short Film Festival Jena, online edition, Germany
Phoney Sights, 4th Unseen Film Festival, online edition, Croatia
Flow, Baturu Cultural Festival: screening and online discussion with authors, 218 Visual Arts Centre, Beijing, China
Phoney Sights, Woodstock Museum 21st Annual Film Festival, Saugerties, New York, USA
Phoney Sights, 'Official Selection', Bogotá Experimental Film Festival, online edition, Columbia
Phoney Sights, 'Official Selection', International Alexandria Short Film Festival, EKKOKKISTIRIO IDEON, Veroia, Greece
Rebellious Essence, Mavrični junij v Mariboru, outdoors film evening, Pekarna, Maribor
Remembering the Others, TV broadcasting on DorfTV, Austria
Rebellious Essence, SEE Online Film Festival, Cinesquare, Cutaway production, Macedonia
Phoney Sights, 'Official Selection' for competition, K3 Film Festival, Stadtkino Villach, Austria
Rebellious Essence, 'Official Selection': FanCineGay, the International LGBT Film Festival of Extremadura, programme Selección Oficial 22 FCG II, from: Residencia Universitaria Hernán Cortés, Badajoz & Biblioteca Pública del Estado, Cáceres, Spain; and programme Circuito Joven 22FCG y Sala Joven: Espacio de la Creación Joven: Miajadas, Herrera del Duque, Jerez de los Caballeros, Villanueva de la Serena, Zafra, Arroyo de la Luz, Moraleja, Navalmoral de la Mata, Villafranca de los Barros, Alburquerque, Almendralejo, Castuera, Fregenal de la Sierra, Hervás, Llerena, Olivenza, Spain & Factoría Joven: Plasencia, Badajoz, Mérida, Spain
Rebellious Essence, Selection 'Winner 2019': Short Film Factory – December 2019, Romania
Rebellious Essence, 'BEST ANIMATION SHORT FILM', 19' Nahia film fest, Internationa Short Film Festival About Sex, Gender, Diversity and Eroticism, Sala "El Apeadero", Granada, Spain
Rebellious Essence, Queerograd 019 – queere Politiken, KiG KulturinGraz, Lagergasse 98A, Graz, Austria
Phoney Sights in Official Short Film Competition', 22nd Festival of Slovenian Film, Monfort, Portorož, Slovenia
Phoney Sights, 9th Cairo Video Festival, Zawya Cinema, Cairo, Egypt
Rebellious Essence, Tabor Film Festival 17 - International Short Film Festival, Veliki Tabor Castle, Desinić, Croatia
Rebellious Essence, 'Official Selection', TranScreen Amsterdam Transgender Film Festival, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Rebellious Essence, Slovene Shorts: 15 Edition, Kinodvor, Ljubljana
Rebellious Essence, 3rd Human Vision Festival, Dornbirn, Austria
Rebellious Essence, 'Official Selection', 14th Athens ANIMFEST, Athens, Greece
Rebellious Essence, 'BEST ANIMATION' Award, Malmo International LGBTQ+ Short Film Festival, Malmö, Sweden
Rebellious Essence, This Human World, Vienna, Austria
Rebellious Essence, Klappe auf! - 16 Days against Violence against Women and Girls, Brunnengasse, Vienna, Austria
Rebellious Essence, 'Official Selection', Trans Film Fest Stockholm, Midsommargården, Stockholm, Sweden
Rebellious Essence, Tricky Women's spetial selection for Austrian Ombud for Equal Treatment, Leokino, Innsbruck; DAS KINO, Salzburg and Metro Kino, Bregenz, Austria
Rebellious Essence, Vinokino 2018, World Shorts Programme: Kino Andorra, Helsinki and Elokuvateatteri Studio, Oulu, Finland
Rebellious Essence, 9. Queer Film Festival Oldenburg, Cine k, Oldenburg, Germany
Rebellious Essence, 'Official Selection' for Competition, International Animated Short Film Festival AJAYU, Gran Teatro Municipal and Cineplanet, Puno, Peru
Rebellious Essence, Feminist Short Film Programme, BIMOVIE, Neuen Maxim Kino, Muenchen, Germany
Rebellious Essence, 'Official Selection', Trans-tastic! Shorts, Reel Q: Pittsburgh LGBTQ+ Film Festival, Harris Theater, Pittsburgh, USA
Rebellious Essence, 'Official Selection', TWIST, Seattle Queer Film Festival, Northwest Film Forum, Seattle, WA, USA
Rebellious Essence, Short film opening night, 25. Queerfilm Festival Bremen, Germany
Rebellious Essence, BEAST International Film Festival, Porto, Portugal
Rebellious Essence, "Tricky Women - Secret Desire: Issues of Gender & Sexuality" programme at IndieAnifest, Cinema 3 & ART 1, Seoul Animation Center, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Rebellious Essence, CINEMA -Boston 2018 Edition, Brattle Theatre in Cambridge, MA, USA
Rebellious Essence, 'Official Selection', GRRL HAUS CINEMA - Death, Birth, Identity and Sexuality,IL KINO, Berlin, Germany
Rebellious Essence, 'Official Selection', International Women Filmmakers Festival - FINCAR, São Luiz cinema, Recife, Brasil
Rebellious Essence, 'Official Selection', Reel Desires: Chennai International Queer Film Festival, Goethe-Institut, Max Mueller Bhavan, Chennai, India
Rebellious Essence, 'Official Selection', Korea Queer Film Festival (KQFF), Daehan Cinema, Theatre 1, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Rebellious Essence, Cat Video Festival: Animated Cats, dotdotdot Open Air Kurzfilmfestival, Laudongasse 15-19, Vienna, Austria
Rebellious Essence, Queere Filmnacht: Bixa Travesty & Xposed Kurzfilmprogramm, Atelier Automatique, Bochum, Germany
Rebellious Essence, 'Shorts, Animation in Competition' at Balkan Film Food Festival, Pogradec, Albania
Rebellious Essence, qFEST – Festivala drugogi drugačijeg (qFEST – Festival of the Others and Different), Beton kino, Dom mladih, Split, Croatia
Rebellious Essence, The 13th Xposed International Queer Film Festival Berlin, Xposed Shorts 4: First Times and Third Options programme, Movimento Theatre, Berlin, Germany
Rebellious Essence, 'Short nomination' for The Seoul Guro International Kids Film Festival, Europe 1 programme, Guro Meeting Hall, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Rebellious Essence, 'Official Selection' for 2018 Translations Film Festival, Erickson Theatre, Seattle, USA
Rebellious Essence, 12th IFEMA International Female Film Festival, Breaking Boundaries programme, Malmö, Sweden
Rebellious Essence, Bilbao International Animation Community Festival - Animakom Fest, Krazykom programme, Dock – Edificio BBF, Bilbao, Spain
Rebellious Essence, 'Audience Choice Award' at Leeds Queer Film Festiva, Live Art Bistro, Leeds, UK
Rebellious Essence, Tricky Women 2018, Body Awareness programme, Metro Kinokulturhaus, Vienna, Austria
Rebellious Essence, 'Official Competition Selection' for MiCe 2018, 6th International Educational Film estival, Valencia, Spain
Rebellious Essence, Artfools 10th International Film Festival of Larissa, Public Central Library Larissa, Greece
Rebellious Essence at International Animated Film Festival Animateka, Slovenian Cinematheque, Ljubljana
Rebellious Essence at 9th International Queer Film Festival Merlinka, Dom omladine Belgrade, Serbia
Rebellious Essence at LGBT Film Festival, Slovenian Cinematheque, Ljubljana
Rebellious Essence at Animae Caribe Festival 2017, Animation and Digital Media Festival, UTT Animation Cinema, Academy for the Performing Arts, Keate Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Rebellious Essence at Fringe! Queer Film & Arts Fest, Hackney Showroom, Hackney Downs Studios, Amhurst Terrace, London E8 2BT, UK
Short documentary film Heroinat /Heroines at Femiqueer festival Queerograd, Volkshaus, Graz, Austria
Rebellious Essence at Colors: Cinema + Diversity, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
Rebellious Essence and the documentary film Flow, Festival of Slovenian Film, Main Hall, Avditorij Portorož
Videos One More Kick and Finger in U.S. in video selection DIVA Station Presents III, Slovenian Cinematheque, Ljubljana
Documentary film Flow, GT 22, Intimni kino, Maribor and Conference Hall M1, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
Flow, screening and public discussion, 5th Festival Deuje Babe, Idria cinema
Video OHOHO, Short Film Night, DIVA Station selection Thank you for your attention! (curated by Neža Grum and Luka Polutnik), Slovenian Cinematheque, Ljubljana
Remembering the Others - Herstory and Heroinat, CINEFFABLE, Espace Reuilly, Paris, France
Za luno /Ask for the Moon in DIVA station selection of a series of videos entitled Fresh perspective (curator: Vesna Bukovec) and lecture, World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2016 Kino-integral, Slovenian Cinematheque, Ljubljana
Remembering the Others and public discussion, Jesenska filmska šola, Slovenian Cinematheque, Ljubljana
Remembering the Others, Festival of Slovenian Film, Main Hall, Avditorij Portorož
Remembering the Others, Festival novih, Center mladih, Slavonski Brod, Croatia
Remembering the Others, Balkan Film Food Festival, Pogradec, Albania
Remembering the Others, South East European Film Festival (SEE) a Berlin, Kinosaal der HU, Berlin, Germany
Animation Francka at International Animation festival Fest Anča, Žilina, Slovakia
Remembering the Others, Roma Cinema DOC, Rome, Italy
Before premier screening of film "Remembering the Other"s, Red Cycle in Black Theatre, Živka Skvotca theatre at Rog Factory, Ljubljana
Screening of short animation Francka, International Animated Film Festival Animateka, Kinodvor, Ljubljana
Screening of the short documentary film Heroinat / Heroines, Vox Feminae Film Festival, Zagreb, Croatia
Premiere screening of the short documentary film Heroinat / Heroines, Feminist Film Festival, Dublin, Ireland
One More Kick at K3 Film festival, cinema Centrale, Udine, Italy
Selected video works of Slovene artists It's All Right, Slovenia Play_01 (curator: Manuel Fanni Canelles), presented in context of Maremetraggio festival, Foyer of Teatro Verdi, Triest, Italy
Animator of short animations for the experimental fiture film by Mihe Vipotnika: Pošvedrani klavir / Broken Piano. The filmwas screened in the competitionprogram of the Slovene Film Festival, in Kinodvoru Ljubljana and on sloven national TV RTVSLO
Colaboration for Tomaža Groma project "Na ta veseli dan kulture", Stara mestna elektrarna, Miklošičev park and Prešernov trg Ljubljana
Director and animator of two animations: " What is Burnout?"and "Burnout Aid", production: Mesto žensk, Common Zone (Croatia) and Culture Shock Foundation (Poland), published on the Burnout Aid project webpage, Youtube channel and social networks
Consulting for the script of " Med modro in roza" animation (Lea Aymard, Nuka Horvat, TransAkacija)
Video for theatre performance "Dnevnik z McGuffinom", SVŠGUGL theater and Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
Video for music performans Re_humanisation IV. Authors: Katja Oberlintner and Ina Puntar (Production: Zavod Sploh. Co-production: City of Women and Kino Šiška.)
Video for rerun of the theatre performance The Ninth, director Bojan Jablanovec, Via negativa in different venues: Festival MESS, Sarajevo, BiH; SME, Ljubljana
Video for rerun of the theatre performance The Ninth, director Bojan Jablanovec, Via negativa in different venues: The Old power Station Ljubljana; FFT Dusseldorf, Germany; Kosztolányi Dezső Theatre, Subotica - Serbia: C/U - Body Mind Festival, Warsaw; SACRED: homelands festival, Toynbee Studios, London
Production of three short animations for the musical Moje pesmi moje sanje (production of video: AVIL doo): several locations in Slovenia
Assisting for screenings in SNG Opera Ljubljana (Srečanje baletnih umetnikov nekdanje Jugoslavije)
Filming of events of the International feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns, Ljubljani
Filming, editing, projection and menthoring for video in the theatre performance "Krasni novi svet", SVŠGL theater and Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
Filming for Tomaž Grom project Imstrument, presented in Ljubljana, Sweden, Italy, USA and Germany.
Filming and editing the documentation, trailer and scenography video for theatre performance The Ninth, director Bojan Jablanovec, Via negativa, Polish Dance Platform, Bytom, Poland
Video for sound performance by Brane Zorman: EMS Memory Trackers, The Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park, Iški morost – birds observatory, Ljubljana
Assisting for screenings in SNG Opera Ljubljana (11. Tradicionalni koncert študentov Medicinske fakultete, Meso srca)
Video for theatre performance the Ninth, director Bojan Jablanovec, Via negativa, A Part Festival, Katowice (work in progress), Body Mind Festival Warsaw - Poland, Old Power Station Ljubljana, Sacred: Homelands Festival London-UK,
Filming of events of the International feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns, Ljubljani
Editing of video, mentoring for video and live vido mixing for theater show "Pesmi štirih ...", SVŠGL theater and Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
Video for foru Mini Operas (1. Padli – Fallen by Dominik Steklasa and Sandi Jesenik, 2. Beli dež by Alenja Pivko Kneževič and Saška Rakef, 3. Nesrečni Ljubimec by Iztok Kocen and Simona Pinter, and 4. Le Petit Café by Teja Merhar and Jakob Barbo) for the event Mini Operas Evening, SNG Opera, Ljubljana and hosting in Solti Hall, Opera Exam festival, Liszt Academy, Budapest - Hungary in 2017
Documentation videos of events at The International Feminist and Queer festival Red Dawns, ljubljana
Editing, mentoring for video, live vido mixing and trailer for theatre performance "Mati Mati" (production SVŠGL), GPD SVŠGL and Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
Editing of video, live vido mixing and trailer for theatre performance ''Pleši z mano'' (production SVŠGL in Emanat) GPD SVŠGL and June in Ljubljana Festival, Kongresni trg, Ljubljana
Filming and editing of events of the International feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns, Ljubljani
Animation of drawings by Irene Pivka and assistent to scenographer for the theatre performance "ATL 220 or the unknown Linhart", Writen and directed by: Andrej Rozman Roza (Production: Rozinteater and Cankarjev dom), Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
Filming and editing the documentation and trailer of "And So On and So Forth" by Bojan Jablanovec, ViaNegativa, The Old Power Station, Ljubljana
Filming and editing for "Visual Hallucination, Auditory Hallucination by Tomaž Grom", Festival Sonica, Kino Šiška and Festival Earzoom, Škuc, Ljubljana; F.A.C.K. Festival, Novi Sad; Music Tech festival, Berlin
Editing of video, mentoring for video and live vido mixing for theater show "Svet v člveku" and dance show "Nevidno telo prostora" (SVŠGL and Emanat production), SVŠGL theater and Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
Editing of video and live vido mixing for two Dance-theater show "Lastna soba 1 & 2" (SVŠGL production), Oder pod zvezdami, Ljubljana Puppet Theatre
Editing of video, mentoring for video and live vido mixing for two Dance-theater show "Lastna soba 3 & 4" (SVŠGL & Emanat production), Stara elektrarna theater and Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
Intermedia performance with Vasja Progar in context of the project Evenings of Intermedia Artists, Trubar's House of Literature Ljubljana
Performance "Beard" presented within the You wanted it, now eat it / You blushed, now say it (Part II) performance made by Red Dawns group of volonteers for Red Dawns December Benefit event
Filming, editing of video and live vido mixing for "Visual Hallucination, Auditory Hallucination" project of Tomaž Grom, (production of Zavod Sploh), Sonica Festival, Kino Šiška, Ljubljana
documentation videos of events at The Bring IN Take OUT – Living Archive, Ljubljana
Filming and editing of video for Živa 2013 festival, (JSKD production)
Filming, editing of video and live vido mixing with real time cameras for Dance-theater show Avantgarda (SVŠGL & Emanat production), Španski borci theater and Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
Documentation video of event for Artyčok.tv in collaboration with Alkatraz Gallery, Ljubljana
Four short videos for scenographic background of the Timelessness dance show, author of the dance and dancer Natasa Tovirac, co-authors of the dance and dancers Masa Kagao Knez and Teja Reba, music Marko Gregoric, presented in The Dance Theatre in Ljubljana
Three short animations for Studio Intakt contemporary dance performance: Triples, coreography Nataša Tovirac, Ljubljana Dance Theatre
2012 - 2013 (winter)
Workshop for Film and Video (mentors: Radovan Čok, Boris Petkovič, Ana Lasić, Boris Palčič) JSKD, Ljubljana
2006 - 2009
Dance studi Intakt (Nataša Tovirac, Igor Sviderski)
2007 - 2009
Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television in context of master video studies (Tanja Zgonc)
2008 - 2010
Different short contemporary dance workshops lead by: Gregor Luštek, Rosana Hribar, Jana Menger, Hanna Hegenscheidt, Maša Kagao Knez, Branko Potočan ...
25 let po Jugoslaviji: vidiki pojma postjugoslovanski film (25 years after Yugoslavia: aspects of the term post-Yugoslav film), Jesenska filmska šola (Autumn Film School), Slovenska kinoteka, Ljubljana, 2017, p 25-26, 159-171
Memorinmotion - Pedagogical Tool on Culture of Remembrance (second supplemented edition), manual and DVD, Editor-in-chief: Michele Parente [authors Melisa Forić ... [et al.]; translators Lejla Efendić, Gordana Lonco]. - 2nd supplemented ed. - Sarajevo: Forum Ziviler Friedensdienste e.V. (forumZFD), 2016. - 101 str.: ilustr.; 20 x 20 cm + [1] DVD, p. 14, 77-81, 95
Independent cinema, Ana Čigon, Remembering the Others, 15th edition of CinéWomen, women's cinema & performing arts magazine, womenartconnect.com, wac*
Catalogue of 19th Festival of Slovenian Film, [urednica = editor Alenka Ropret; teksti = texts Jože Dolmark, Nerina T. Kocjančič, Igor Prassel; prevod = translaton Maja Ropret]; [Ljubljana]: Slovenski filmski center, 2016 ([Ljubljana]: Collegium Graphicum), p. 112, 113, 174
Diskusija o položaju umetnikov, Likovne besede, št. 95, poletje 2012, ZDSLU, Ljubljana
Atelje in umetniki, fotografije Tihomir Pinter, pogovor z umetniki Aleksander Bassin, predgovor Brane Kovič, Ljubljana, Pasadena, 2012
International Symposium ELMAR,Ana Čigon, Kaja Vidmar, Tina Macek, Erik Dovgan, Miha Sinkovec, Uroš Klopčič, Borut Batagelj; SLOVENIA, 0:1 virtual-real duel, Zadar, Croatia, 28 - 30 September 2009, p. 293-296
Pojmovnik slovenske umetnosti po letu 1945, pojmi, gibanja, skupine, težnje, ALUO, urednica Nadja Zgonik, 2009, p. 104-109
International Symposium ELMAR, Ana Cigon, Erik Dovgan, Miha Sinkovec, Uroš Klopčičj; SLOVENIA, A system for interactive virtual dance performance, Zadar, Croatia, 10 - 12 September 2008, p. 475-478.
Screening of the video document of the performance Drage dame, hvala / Dear Ladies, Thank you and discussion, The conference Not Yet Written Stories. Women Artists in Central and Eastern Europe, online event
Discussion on the occasion of the premiere of the animated film Med modro in roza (Lea Aymard, Nuka Horvat, TransAkacija), online event, organised by TransAkcija
Discussion Gender and memory with screening of the film Remembering the Others, University of Graz, Austria
Discussion Why there are no female artists on Wikipedia? (with Miran Hladnik), project Wikipedia Edit-a-thon, Art Gallery Maribor UGM, Maribor
Remembering the Others, film screening and discusion on gender and memory, The Institute of Slavic Studies and the Department for Feminist Politics of the ÖH University of Graz, Austria
The Archive as a Process. How to Archive Contemporary Performing Arts and keep them Alive?, regional conference, Old Power Station - Syndical Hall, Ljubljana
Presentation of artistic practice and debate: My Feminist Artworks, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Ljubljana
Artist talk "Hi-tech, Low-tech or No-tech?" in context of the Ada Lovelace Day, gallery Kiberpipa, Ljubljana
Lecture "Feminism and gender studies in Visual Art and performans", Srednja vzgojiteljska šola in gimnazija Ljubljana
Organisation and moderation of debate entitled "Fminism, Education and Art, Museum of Modern Art", Ljubljana
Organisation and moderation of "Debate on the Position of the Artists, Galery of Contemporary Art", Celje
Artist talk in context of Bring In Take Out – Living Archive, Alkatraz gallery, Ljubljana
Presentation of artistic practice at Academy of Fine Arts, Ljubljana
Presentation of artistic practice at ISCP, New York, USA
Presentation of interactive work "Motion-Picture Interaction" at Elmar Symposium, Zadar, Croatia
Real Presence Workshop, Rivoli, Italy